Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So what's going to happen when I get there...

As a young professional attending a "leadership symposium" I have a lot to learn, but then again I have a lot to share. Being young and fresh out of college I'm wondering if I'll learn more about the industry and successful tactics that have worked in the past ... or if I'll end up sharing some of my "young ideas" and thoughts from a young person's perspective? Either way, I expect that I'll end up meeting a few new industry contacts and maybe even get a few new Facebook friends out of it. (Young Idea #1: Facebook is a new marketing tool.)

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in ... with books. Prepping for this symposium was no easy task with the amount of reading I had to do, but I managed - thanks to the end of the college football season and the tv writers strike. With nothing to watch on tv I had some free time to turn a few pages... all 892 of them. Thankfully, the topics were interesting and now I'll have something to talk about when I meet the hundred or so strangers that will be there. (Young Idea #2: Recognize the opening Godfather III quote? My generation is obsessed with pop culture and celebrities. Not to say I'm going to go whack someone with my glasses, but a reference would stop me from turning the page and take a look at what you're selling.)

I hope once I get there it's not completely a business environment. Half of our industry's sales meetings occur over happy hour, so it'd feel out of sync to be sitting in a conference room for two days straight. Everyone likes to be relaxed anyway and working in small groups will be good so people won't be afraid to talk. Well, once I get there I guess I'll figure it all out. (Oh yeah, Young Idea #3: My generation also isn't all about being formal and serious. We like to be a little crazy and shake things up a bit like we're playing Yahtzee and have fun. Not to be confused with young Hollywood fun ... they're actually just crazy.)

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